Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A huge sigh of relief

We spent a couple of days this week at Primary Childrens and they ran some more tests on Andrew. They put him under again and scoped his throat again to see how it looked when he was healthy. The doctor told us when it was done that it looked good and he wouldn't need surgery after all. It was a huge relief!!! They also wanted to test him for acid reflux so we had to spend the night there while they did a ph probe study. It was a bummer for us all. Andrew kept asking to go home and saying that he wasn't sick. The worst part was he could only eat or drink every four hours and that was a little hard to explain to a two year old. We don't have the results of that test yet but we should soon. So hopefully we can avoid anymore hospital stays for awhile.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Our little Trey often reminds us of Andrew. We miss you guys and are glad that things are going well. We can't wait to see pictures of your new house!